Friday, January 4, 2008

Another Milestone and Opportunities for the New Year

That's Cody, with is sister Brittany and cousins Jessica and Colton. What a difference a year makes! Cody will be reaching his one year anniversary for his OP program (and 16 months in sobriety)

Cody has finished his first semester at SMC and continues to work at Starbucks. He will start his spring semester in February of this year.

While all is well with Cody, 3 of his friends have suffered setbacks, including his roommate, during the Christmas. Two of them have now settled back and are continuing with their programs, while his roommate is still unsure he wants to remain sober. Given the circumstances and the agreement we had with all parties, his roommate was asked to move out and Cody will be looking for another place and roommate. Despite the circumstances, he is upbeat and looking forward to taking a vacation trip with me this month. He remains friends with all 3 and hopes they will follow in the path of recovery.
We are all happy taking it one day at a time. Today I added "and Recovery" to the name of this Blog.

Failure is an opportunity.
If you blame someone else,
there is no end to the blame.

Therefore the Master
fulfills his own obligations
and corrects his own mistakes.
He does what is needed
and demands nothing of others.

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