Saturday, September 8, 2007

Approaching a year and the goodness of life

Its been about 7 weeks since I last posted an update. Cody will be sober one year, September 11th. It will be a milestone, and one that will certainly give him a sense of pride and accomplishment, for he has truly come a long way.

Cody and his friends attended the ICYPAA convention in LA last week. While there, a friend found a wallet containing a lot of money and the owners credit cards and license. He brought it to Cody and asked what to do. Cody said they should give it back to the owner, and went to Security, but Security was not helpful and the boys also thought that might be risky, so they decided to go to the front desk manager. While they were on their way to the front desk, Cody recognized the face on the license in the crowd of people there, and approached the man who was the owner. He showed him the wallet. Needless to say the person, who worked there was very happy and thanked Cody profusely, sending a fruit basket to his room, and paying for some of the expense at the hotel. This was definitely a good deed, and everyone felt good about it. When someone asked Cody what he might have done a year ago, well Cody smiled and said he would have emptied it of the money to feed his drug habit.

The past year has been quite a hurdle for all of us. We relocated our home and our dogs to be with Cody as he began his outpatient therapy in January. This was after 4 plus months of residential treatment at Visions, which included a side trip though Wilderness Quest. In the last 8 months we have seen Cody gain the confidence and strength to begin a new sober life, finish high school and move on to begin college. He now works at Starbucks, which is near the apartment he will be sharing with a friend from the program. We will be returning to Georgia, but keeping a small apartment here so we have a place when we come to visit...who knows, we might move here permanently. We are very excited for Cody and for the opportunities that lie ahead for all of us.

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