Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Good Day Sunshine

For the first time in weeks, I awoke to a day filled with sunshine. Having coffee, I gazed out and saw a deer cautiously move from tree to tree across the hill. Crows were flying about and the hummingbirds finally discovered the feeder I put up. They don't like to share though, and chase one another away.

Our son now gets up without us waking him, makes his lunch and asks me to hurry up so he won't be late for school. Driving him there today I snap at him before he finishes a request, and he asks that I listen first. What I thought I was going to hear and what I heard were very different. I was starting to accuse and he was taking responsibility. I made an assumption about what he was going to say and I was wrong. His resilience to this was remarkable. Old habits are hard to break, and I am thankful that he is showing me the way.

Compassion is the finest weapon and best defense.
If you would establish harmony,
Compassion must surround you like a fortress.

A good soldier does not inspire fear;
A good fighter does not display aggression;
A good conqueror does not engage in battle;
A good leader does not exercise authority.

This is the value of unimportance;
This is how to win the cooperation of others;
This to how to build the same harmony that is in nature.

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