Monday, March 19, 2007

The Good, Bad and the Ugly

The good thing is that you found this blog. If you have a teen in trouble this site will help you navigate along a road to recovery with your teen. The bad thing is, it's difficult and requires your focus and dedication, not for your teen but for yourself. Only by preparing and caring for yourself, can you hope that your teen will succeed in his or her own recovery. It's important to remember this did NOT CAUSE your teens addiction, and you CANNOT cure it. Recovery is your teen's responsibility, not yours and you need to support that, as best you can. The ugly thing is that, whatever you suspect or think you know about your teen's drug use, it is only a small fraction of what it really is. The drugs, the amounts, with who, where, when and how will startle you. No teen outside of a recovery program will tell you the true extent of his or her addiction. It's always worse than you think, or are willing to accept. However, once you accept this, you will be in a postion to help and get help.


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea and I hope that you get a lot of feedback from others who are dealing with this same issue.

Unknown said...

Hi Friends
Comprehensive resources for those looking for recovery from addiction.